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Change Is Inevitable, Transformation Is Optional
This past year has brought major changes, both in the world at large, and within our own individual lives. Changes, changes and more changes. It seems the entire world is smack dab in the midst of massive, foundational changes, the scope and breadth of which we have not witnessed in our lifetimes. Mounting resistance to many of these changes is...
Walking The Unity Talk In Social Media
Every single day, the world challenges our peace. Between the natural disasters, political chaos, social injustices, terrorist events, mass murders, institutional corruption, health care concerns, the threat of nuclear war, and a range of other volatile and stressful issues from big to small, who could blame anyone for losing their peace once in...
From Pride To Neutrality
In Dr. David Hawkins' "map of consciousness," courage first registers at the level of 200 on an ascending logarithmic scale of creative power that goes to 1000. Master teachers like Jesus and Buddha calibrate at the top end of the "map," which Hawkins designates as Enlightenment. Just below the level courage at 200, is the energy of pride, which...
Are You A Soul Writer?
Are you a soul writer? I ask that question in the full knowledge that you may not perceive yourself to be any kind of a writer, much less a "soul" writer. What is a soul writer anyway? We’ll get to the “soul” part later. For now, let’s address the second part first: are you a writer? For most people, their first response is likely to be some form...
The Language of Oneness
On Thursday, November 2nd, I was contacted by Rev. Sondra von Gyllenband at Unity Church in New Braunfels who asked if I was available to stand in for her at that weekend's Sunday services. She had developed a respiratory infection and did not believe she would recover in time. As divine order would have it, it was the only Sunday in November...