This past year has brought major changes, both in the world at large, and within our own individual lives. Changes, changes and more changes. It seems the entire world is smack dab in the midst of massive, foundational changes, the scope and breadth of which we have not witnessed in our lifetimes. Mounting resistance to many of these changes is fomenting full blown crises on multiple fronts, seemingly all at once. Many feel, perhaps quite rightly, that we are teetering on the brink of complete...

From Pride To Neutrality
In Dr. David Hawkins' "map of consciousness," courage first registers at the level of 200 on an ascending logarithmic scale of creative power that goes to 1000. Master teachers like Jesus and Buddha calibrate at the top end of the "map," which Hawkins designates as Enlightenment. Just below the level courage at 200, is the energy of pride, which calibrates from 175-199. Dr. Hawkins maintains that the collective vibration of humankind globally is just above 200, after being calibrated for...
Love Is The Answer To Every Question
I recently attended a talk given by Revs. Brian & Kristen Grandon titled “The Journey of Spiritual Awakening: Reframing Salvation”. This talk was the 5th installment in their 8-week series “Our Authentic Spiritual Journey,” which they are presenting at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin. It got me thinking about how my own thoughts and ideas around salvation have changed over the course of my life, and how I learned in the process that love is the answer to every question I have....
Affirming The Awareness Of Peace
The harmonizing power of love and the experience of true peace are interdependent energies. Peace is not possible without the expression of unconditional love, which inspires the experience of peace. Only unconditional love is capable of the energetic neutrality required to create an experience of true peace. The primary qualities of this “energetic neutrality” are non-attachment and non-judgment. Attachments and judgments not only block the personal experience of peace, but they also serve to...
The Miracle of Disillusionment
Have you ever been disillusioned? Of course, you have. Everyone has. Disillusionment occurs in those life moments when something we had previously believed to be true is revealed to be an illusion, a lie. We had placed our faith in the world being a certain way, only to learn it is not that way at all. Everything upon which we had built our worldview suddenly comes crashing down, potentially sending our lives spiraling out of control into a vortex of cognitive dissonance, psychic trauma and...
The Power Of Your Word
In Charles Fillmore's metaphysical classic The Twelve Powers, he delineates twelve inner creative faculties with which each one of us is divinely endowed. Among these are the powers of love, faith, imagination, understanding, wisdom and will. We also have powers of strength, order, renunciation, zeal and life. The last of these twelve powers is the power of power itself, which is associated with the creative power of your word. No, that is not a misprint. As Fillmore sees it, you and I have a...
These Truths Are Made For Walking
This is the ninth and final installment in the “Walking the Unity Talk” series exploring how to live the Unity Principles in our lives. In this article, we conclude with an exploration of Unity’s Fifth Principle, which I style as the call to action principle. Living the fifth principle is how we demonstrate the truth we know and how we express our creative power and spiritual potential. What Does the Fifth Principle Actually Say? As with the previous articles, I have been using two different...
Teach Only Love
It could be said that the main purpose of A Course In Miracles [ACIM] is to teach the lessons necessary for us to learn how to teach only love. ACIM does not aim to teach the "meaning of love," which it maintains is "beyond what can be taught." However, it does aim to teach us how to "remove the blocks to the awareness of love's presence" in order that we may know the love we are. It achieves this aim through a combination of both theoretical and practical lessons. However, ACIM repeatedly...
Faith & New Beginnings
A new year is the archetype symbol for new beginnings. It is also the perfect moment to rely on the creative power of our faith. Why? Because the power of faith is the single best creative faculty we have for embracing the inevitable changes that new beginnings bring. In The Twelve Powers, Charles Fillmore describes faith as our perceiving power. It is the creative capacity we have to see new possibilities for our lives before there is evidence they have become manifest. It is no coincidence...
Spiritual Creativity & Transformation
For the past decade or more, each year, I have faithfully participated in two special services at my home church, Unity Church of the Hills in Austin. The first, a Burning Bowl ceremony, takes place on New Year's Eve and the second, a White Stone service, takes place on the first Sunday of the new year. This year, both of those events happened within the same 24-hour period. Having both of these unique annual events fall within the same 24-hour period is not an every year occurrence. So, it...