Are you a soul writer? I ask that question in the full knowledge that you may not perceive yourself to be any kind of a writer, much less a "soul" writer. What is a soul writer anyway? We’ll get to the “soul” part later. For now, let’s address the second part first: are you a writer? For most people, their first response is likely to be some form or variation of, “God, no! I could never be a writer.” Over time, I have heard a wide range of denials from people who believe they are not writers....

If There Was Ever A Moment…
If there was ever a moment for unity and peace to prevail, that moment is now. As I write this, the states of Texas and Louisiana are experiencing a natural disaster of epic proportions. Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Friday evening, August 25th, as a Cat 4 hurricane in Rockport, Texas, which was decimated, along with nearby coastal towns like Port Aransas. Today, five days later, Harvey's historic tale of devastation continues. It will be another several days before tropical storm Harvey...
The Commitments of Peace – Part I
Peace does not just happen. We do not find peace. It is not laying around on the ground or in some secluded spot waiting for us to stumble upon it. Peace does not force itself upon us. If we experience peace at all, it is because we have created it from within by living our lives in accordance with the principles of peace. In order to live in alignment with the principles of peace, we must make a commitment to peace. You have to choose peace. Peace does not choose you. In truth, peace cannot...
The Miracle of Disillusionment
Have you ever been disillusioned? Of course, you have. Everyone has. Disillusionment occurs in those life moments when something we had previously believed to be true is revealed to be an illusion, a lie. We had placed our faith in the world being a certain way, only to learn it is not that way at all. Everything upon which we had built our worldview suddenly comes crashing down, potentially sending our lives spiraling out of control into a vortex of cognitive dissonance, psychic trauma and...
I Am Home
In October 2001, I attended my first Sunday morning services at Unity Church of the Hills (UCOH). Two weeks earlier, the UCOH community had moved into the brand new facility that has now been its home for the last fifteen years. At the time, the membership at UCOH totaled about 200 souls who, under the leadership of the husband-wife ministerial team of Ron and Lenore Scott, helped to co-create the campus that has since served as a spiritual home and sanctuary for thousands over time. Prior to...
The One and Only Unbreakable Creative Rule
For the most part, the “rules" of creativity are more like guidelines than strict rules that cannot be broken. Indeed, one will never be at a loss to find exceptions to the rule of rules. History is strewn with creative masterpieces that have ignored conventional and contemporary forms to rise to new creative heights and, in some cases, altogether establish new creative forms and standards. Picasso’s Guernica, Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring, James Joyce’s Ulysses, Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue,...
Vanquishing Creative Block Forever
How would you feel if you knew that you have the creative power within you to vanquish creative block forever? Think about it for a moment. What would it feel like to know that every time you sat down to be creative, inspiration would be right beside you providing you with an endless supply of creative ideas?If you're a creative of any stripe, you will likely feel positively euphoric at the prospect. Well, guess what? You do have that power. What's more, you have always had the power and have...