In these times of political gridlock, heightened social and racial tensions and seemingly endless random violence and terrorism, having the willingness to be neutral is a genuine act of courage. It may also hold the key to the next stage of our collective evolution, especially as it relates to the creation of healthy, interdependent relationships grounded in cooperation, unity and peace. For many, the idea of neutrality goes directly against traditional thinking, which maintains an imperative...

Be Like Water
In the midst of any interpersonal or personal struggle among or within humans, inevitably there comes a moment when we realize with crystal clarity there is only one sure fire, never fail way to resolve the conflict and restore the peace. Surrender! We immediately recognize and intuitively know the power of it's truth, because, quite frankly, it's the same answer every time and has been for time immemorial.No matter the nature or form of the conflict, and without respect for whether the urge...
There’s No Need To Fear. Underdog Is Here!
As long as I can remember, I have always loved cheering for the underdog. When I was a child, the cartoon series "Underdog" was one of my favorites. Anytime his love interest, Sweet Polly Purebread, was in peril, unassuming, mild mannered "Shoeshine Boy" would step into a nearby phone booth and transform into super hero "Underdog," inexplicably exploding the phone booth in the process. Speaking mostly in rhymes, and strengthened by his "Underdog Energy Vitamin Pill," which he stored in the...