According to renowned Unity minister and author Eric Butterworth, the great challenge of our age is the virtual absence of meditation from our daily lives. Butterworth describes meditation as the “art of lowly listening.” In Unity, the fourth principle teaches that the only space where we may “lowly listen” is in silent meditation. Without making time for silent meditation in our lives, we do not exercise and demonstrate our creative potential; mainly because, we do not make the time to...

Understanding Spiritual Understanding
The first idea to understand about spiritual understanding is that no one ever attains it without first striving for it. As Charles Fillmore emphasizes in The Twelve Powers, each of our creative faculties of mind is a potential power. The development of these powers to their fullest expression is not an automatic process, nor is it even guaranteed. In short, if we don't look for it, we will never find it. If we do not ask for it, we will not receive it.In the Hebrew scriptures, we learn that...
The Power of Power
In Charles Fillmore's metaphysical classic The Twelve Powers, he delineates twelve inner creative faculties with which each one of us is divinely endowed. Among these are the powers of love, faith, imagination, understanding, wisdom and will. We also have powers of strength, order, renunciation, zeal and life. The last of these twelve powers is the power of power itself. No, that is not a misprint. As Fillmore sees it, you and I have a power called power. He also associates the power of...
Saying No, To Say Yes
Insofar as we often find ourselves in transition and facing the paradox of change in our lives, encountering resistance is inevitable, but not insurmountable. Fortunately, we come equipped with a powerful capacity for renunciation, the power to release and eliminate anything we believe does not serve us. In short, we have the power to say, "No!" In Charles Fillmore's metaphysical classic The Twelve Powers, he delineates the power of renunciation, or elimination, as one of the twelve...
The Greatest Discovery of All Time
In the "Foreword to the 40th Anniversary Edition" of Eric Butterworth's spiritual classic, Discover the Power Within You, the esteemed poet Maya Angelou acknowledges her affinity for the compelling idea at the very heart of Butterworth's teachings. Namely, that "the power of God, the essential spirit, is within each of us." This idea is also at the heart of what Butterworth would call the greatest discovery of all time, and is essentially the foundation upon which his celebrated metaphysical...