Neutrality Is Indispensable To Peace

Posted on August 28, 2017
Written By Souldiver

It is not possible to cultivate a consciousness of peace without actively maintaining neutrality in the activity of my thoughts and feelings. This does not just apply to some of my thoughts and feelings. It applies universally to all of my thoughts and feelings. If peace is my goal, neutrality is absolutely essential. Peace will not be without neutrality.

Since my peace is my personal responsibility, I must maintain neutrality around all of my thoughts and feelings, about anything and everything, anyone and everyone. Any thought, feeling, judgment, opinion or belief is a potential disturbance to peace. Rigid attachments and grievances held against anyone or anything increase that potential.

It Is Only Your Peace At Stake

What do we gain by maintaining a rigid attachment to being right about a particular position? If we are holding someone prisoner to our grievances or judgments, what is the benefit? More importantly, what do our rigid attachments and grievances cost us? Is it worth the cost of peace to maintain a consciousness of war, conflict and discord? Are our grievances more important than peace?

How do you answer these questions for yourself? Can you answer these questions honestly, without any attempt at making someone else wrong so you can be right? Can you be truly neutral and open with your own self so as to avoid self-judgment or shame? Can you allow that the truth you are attached to right now might not be the whole truth? What if there was additional knowledge that could prove beyond a doubt that the truth you rigidly cleave to was not the truth at all? Knowing that your peace is at stake, could you be neutral and open enough to change your mind?

The Truth Takes No Sides

A big step in the direction of creating peace in our lives is a willingness to allow that the truth that leads to peace is larger than even the most informed opinion. At any point in time, there is always more truth that could be known than what we personally know. As the gateway to peace, neutrality requires that we maintain an openness to any and all truth, regardless of the source. To be neutral is to be open to changing our position if the truth warrants.

Neutrality is the awareness that the truth takes no sides. The truth is unattached to whether I am personally right about it or not. It remains the truth, regardless of my position. My need to be right does not change the truth one bit. If I am not in alignment with the truth, the truth will not conform to my position, no matter how much I insist.

Achieving neutrality requires a willingness to release attachments to being right, to say “no” to any rigid positions or grievances that disturb, block or limit the experience of peace. To aspire to neutrality is to have said “yes” to truth, and to establish my happiness and peace around the truth that is true, not the truth I wish to be true.

Neutrality Is Not Passive

Many people confuse neutrality with passivity, which they then equate with weakness. However, anyone who has ever attempted to actively create a consciousness of neutrality knows it is a full time activity, requiring great courage, and mental strength. There is nothing passive, or weak for that matter, about maintaining a consciousness of neutrality.

Neutrality is not apathy. To the contrary, neutrality is grounded in love. We can only reach the energy of neutrality as our expressions of love ascend from the personal to the universal. Unless we first pass through the gates of neutrality, we cannot achieve our capacity to express unconditional love. Without unconditional love, peace is altogether impossible to attain.

A Peaceful Prayer of Neutrality

Entering this day courageously, I affirm my willingness to suspend my judgments of the world. I know that any grievances I hold against the world only restrict the flow of peaceful energy in my life.  I willingly forgive myself for any grievances I may have placed on the world, and gratefully release anyone that I may have held prisoner to my unforgiveness. Infused with divine wisdom and deep understanding, I willingly release any rigid attachments and expectations of others, knowing they only serve to limit my potential to create and experience peace. I cultivate a consciousness of neutrality, so that I may remain open and responsive to the energies and possibilities of peace in every circumstance. With everyone I encounter, I remain actively neutral in consciousness knowing this is the clear path to peace. So it is. So I let it be. Amen.

Posted In Peace