
Be Like Water

In the midst of any interpersonal or personal struggle among or within humans, inevitably there comes a moment when we realize with crystal clarity there is only one sure fire, never fail way to resolve the conflict and restore the peace. Surrender! We immediately recognize and intuitively know the power of it's truth, because, quite frankly, it's the same answer every time and has been for time immemorial.No matter the nature or form of the conflict, and without respect for whether the urge...

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Breaking Down To Break Through

Have you ever felt frustrated? At any time, or about anything? Of course, you have, and so have I. Truth be told, I have been frustrated more times than I can count just this past week alone! Frustrated as a friend, a father, a partner, a lover, a songwriter and various other assorted "roles" I play. I'm speaking figuratively, of course, about the "roles" I play, and I don't actually feel frustrated all the time. By and large, I consider myself a spiritually optimistic person and do my best to...

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