For the entirety of my life as an American, I have heard the adage, "War is good for the economy!" You've probably heard it too. In fact, the idea itself has become so finely woven into the fabric of the collective American psyche that we have all but ceased examining if it is actually true. Is war good for an economy?The idea itself really began taking hold in the American consciousness during World War II. Previously in the grips of the Great Depression, Americans began to be thankful for...
One Is The Holiest Number (Part II)
Wow! I guess we've got it wound pretty tight down here on Earth. It's lonely and bad being one, and only a step above that being two. When does the joy of being one, or even one with another one, begin to kick in? How many ones does it take before it becomes good,meaning not lonely? Don't get me wrong here. I am not bashing Harry Nilsson. To the contrary, as a songwriter, he is one of the all-time greats. I like the guy, truly! A handful of his songs are, to my mind, among the greatest songs...
Survival of the Wisest (Part II)
Just so this is clear right up front, I absolutely believe that reason and science are necessary for our evolution. The faculty of reason is a God given power, and is intended for our use. So, contrary to how it might sound, I am actually pro-science. Likewise, I believe that matters of faith, God, spirituality and consciousness are equally necessary to our evolution. I believe that science placed in the service of evolving our spiritual consciousness is the highest expression of our faculty...
There’s No Need To Fear. Underdog Is Here!
As long as I can remember, I have always loved cheering for the underdog. When I was a child, the cartoon series "Underdog" was one of my favorites. Anytime his love interest, Sweet Polly Purebread, was in peril, unassuming, mild mannered "Shoeshine Boy" would step into a nearby phone booth and transform into super hero "Underdog," inexplicably exploding the phone booth in the process. Speaking mostly in rhymes, and strengthened by his "Underdog Energy Vitamin Pill," which he stored in the...
The Evolution Will Not Be Televised
Each and every instant of each and every day, every single organism on the planet is actively, though not always consciously, participating in a grand and constantly unfolding cosmic evolution of the universe. This "master" evolution includes, every single person on the planet, including me and you. To me, this is the most exciting and relevant "news event" possible for us to daily investigate and report on through and with all media outlets available. Sadly, the "news" of the ongoing...