Funny thing about miracles, we tend to think of them as extraordinary events that we cannot explain in rational, scientific terms, so we attribute them to some sort of divine intervention. We consider them to be extraordinary in the sense they are outside the normal course of events. If divine intervention is the agent causing the miracle event, and if this “event” is not the norm, then by extension, it could be said divine intervention itself is also out of the norm and “extra” ordinary. For many scientists who hold this view, the ordinary course of events does not require divine agency and is therefore not miraculous.
Viewed from the “scientific” perspective, anything that can be explained in rational, scientific terms is by definition not a miracle, simply because we can explain it without resorting to divine agency. And, yet, just because something can be explained within the context of our current scientific understanding, does not mean it is not a miracle.
For example, let’s take the Earth’s orbit around the sun. This happens day in and day out without apparent human intervention of any kind. Science maintains we can explain this “ordinary course of events” in rational, scientific terms. So, let’s take a look at some of what science has observed, measured and concluded over time about the orbit of this “third rock from the sun” we call home.
Don’t just read what follows, hold each thought in mind for a moment and consider it carefully, rather than letting it be just some details you’re reading through to get to the punch line.

Earth is speeding around the solar system at approximately 67,000 miles per hour covering approximately 1.6 million miles a day…and it feels like we are standing still! This is just one of God’s miracles occurring every day in the ordinary course of events.
Let’s say you are standing at some point on the Earth’s equator.
At it’s equator, the Earth is approximately 24,900 miles in circumference.
The Earth makes one revolution on its axis approximately every 24 hours.
At the equator, the Earth’s “rotational” spin is approximately 1,040 miles per hour.
So, if you’re standing on the equator, it could be said you too are traveling at 1,000 miles per hour. But, wait! There’s more. Now, consider this.
It is estimated the Earth is traveling in the “orbital” sense at the rate of approximately 67,000 miles per hour.
At that rate, in one single 24 hour period, we have traveled approximately 1, 608,000 miles through space.
Over the course of a year, 365 days, we have traveled approximately 586,920,000 miles around the sun.
When we get back to the beginning, it starts all over again. Then, repeats itself day in and day out and has for longer or shorter than science and religion can agree on. It does so without any human intervention of any kind. Since it can be observed and measured every single day and explained in a rational, scientific way, it could be said this is the “normal course of events” and therefore by scientific, or even religious, definition not a miracle.

Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs” won big at 2011 Grammy Awards, netting “Album Of The Year” honors, which is in itself a miracle of sorts.
However, think about an additional observation. While I am writing this, I am sitting on the couch in my living room, listening to Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs.” I will publish this article later tonight, and at some point you will be reading it. When you do, you may be sitting in a similar room with your computer or smart phone at hand. So, think on this. While I was writing, and while you are reading, we are hurtling through space at 67,000 miles an hour, while the rock we’re on is turning on its axis at the rate of 1,000 miles an hour.
These speeds are almost too fast for us to fathom, but such is the speed of life on Earth. Yet, these profound speeds are not even the most interesting part to me. For me, the mind boggling part is that, notwithstanding these incredible speeds, I feels like I am sitting perfectly still. Unless, you are in motion as you read this, you too feel like you’re sitting still. Don’t know about you, but to me, this is a miracle!
Yes, I know some scientist could explain to me the effect of gravity and other scientific principles that might explain how and why I feel like I’m sitting still, despite traveling at 67,000 miles an hour through space. But, just because science has a codified language to explain such natural phenomena, does not demystify the miracle inherent, and it most assuredly does not mean there is no divine agent present.
Science and scientists might be able to measure it and create a language to explain it. However, scientists do not “create” the physics involved, nor did they set it in motion or maintain it’s precision. They merely observe the “normal course of events” and try to explain it. Up until recent times, they attempted to do so by leaving God out of the explanation. However, we need simply observe the precision with which the natural world operates to know there is a divine intelligence at work.
The point is this: miracles are the normal course of events. They are not extraordinary, they are the norm. EVERYTHING is a miracle! Science is simply the process of observing the miracles all about us in order to understand the divine principle underlying each natural event. Just because we don’t see the miracle, or call it a miracle, doesn’t mean it is not present. That view is only evidence that we are not perceiving correctly. Once we become attuned to looking for miracles, we will only see miracles. Everywhere in everything, everyday!
Scientists should continue to observe, measure, codify and teach, it is what they do best. But, it is in the best interest of all humankind for science to immediately cease assuming that divine agency is not involved. Instead of insisting God has no place in science, put God into the science equation. Then, watch our evolution and progress really speed up.
Stay tuned in…