I love the morning. Whether I go to sleep early or late the night before, I’m up early. I can’t wait to be awake and spending time in the silence in the morning, before the work day, or the events of the day begin to carry me along. It doesn’t matter to me what I am going through at the time or not, whether my life is strenuously stressful or buoyantly jubilant, I love being awake in the quiet, still early morning hours where the flow of divine ideas is most easily accessed. The only requirement on my part in order to tap into it is a willingness to be attentive and to receive.
The brand new morning is the time of day when I feel most closely connected to the flow of divine ideas and inspiration. In truth, we are always connected to the Source of all divine ideas, and that connection is not a matter of degree. We are connected…period! We cannot be any closer; however, we can and often do lose our awareness of the connection. This doesn’t mean the connection itself has been severed, or even interrupted for that matter. But, it does mean we may begin to feel blocked, creatively or inspirationally speaking. Writers would call that writer’s block. I prefer to refer to it as creative block, since writers are not the only ones who experience it.
Here’s the one and only thing any one of us needs to know on the subject. Creative block is a myth!
It doesn’t exist, not really! This is not to say creatives do not simulate the experience of feeling creatively blocked, because certainly we do from time to time. However, we have created the block for ourselves. We do so by making a common mistake that anyone born into a world of duality and separation would make. We believe the block is the result of becoming disconnected from the Source of ideas. This is the myth part. Remember, we are connected…period! Nothing can or ever will sever that connection.
However, if we believe we are disconnected, we can and will simulate the experience of being disconnected. The creative block remains as long as we believe we are disconnected, or that the flow of divine ideas can somehow run out or be limited in any way. We are blocked, so to speak, but not because we have become disconnected. Rather, the block is the result of the limitations we have placed on what we allow into our field of awareness. The good news is: the problem is one of vision, which can be corrected.
Smashing Creative Block Forever (Or, It’s the Oneness, Grasshopper!)

Ideas are infinitely and eternally flowing and we are connected directly to the Source of all divine ideas at all times for all time.
If we perceive we are blocked from inspiration or creative ideas, then we must also believe there are a limited number of ideas to go around. We might even believe that the ideas are being denied to us because of something we did or didn’t do, in this or another lifetime. Or, that we’re not smart enough, talented enough, worthy enough, lucky enough to avoid creative block.
All of these ideas, and others like them, are merely the trappings of a false belief in separation from the Source of all divine ideas. Believing in it, we perceive it in our world. To free ourselves from creative block once and for all we must be willing to do one thing, and one thing only: heal the false belief in separation in order to restore the awareness of our eternal oneness with Source.
We have an unbreakable and unalterable connection to Source. We have always been connected, are connected even now, and will be connected forever with Source. At the nexus of this connection is a ceaselessly flowing fountain of divine ideas from which we are able to draw at any time, from any place, regardless of our circumstances. To temporarily lose awareness of this connection is to invite in what we experience as creative block.
To see only this connection is the difference between perception and vision. Choose to believe in your own foundational Oneness with Source, instead of the alternative of separation, and creative or inspirational blocks will disappear from your life once and for all. If we are not perceiving inspiration or creative ideas, we have simply become too limited in what we allow ourselves to see. There is no real lack of inspiration itself. If there were, we would actually be living in a world separated from our Source, and this is quite simply not even possible.
So, decide today, right now, to cure your own creative block once and for all. Find that time in the day when you can best be open and attentive to the flow of divine ideas, grab one for yourself and follow it! It will make all the difference in your day, and maybe in your life for the rest of your life.