
One Is The Holiest Number (Part I)

Over the last year or so, I have undertaken the long-term project of digitizing my vinyl collection. For those of you who know me personally, you know, this is going to take some time. Today, as I write this, I am on a country-rock binge. This means wax platters of Pure Prairie League, Gram Parsons, New Riders Of The Purple Sage, The Byrds, Flying Burrito Brothers and the like are taking their turns on the turntable. The best part about this project is that I am listening to a lot of music,...

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Survival of the Wisest (Part II)

Just so this is clear right up front, I absolutely believe that reason and science are necessary for our evolution. The faculty of reason is a God given power, and is intended for our use. So, contrary to how it might sound, I am actually pro-science. Likewise, I believe that matters of faith, God, spirituality and consciousness are equally necessary to our evolution. I believe that science placed in the service of evolving our spiritual consciousness is the highest expression of our faculty...

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I Pledge Allegiance To The Love…

There is really only one allegiance to which I am truly willing to pledge my deepest oath: love for all things, with every one in all circumstances to the best of my ability. Am I successful at this all the time? Yeah, right! Truth is though that, in most instances, I find it easier to love others than to love my own self. I don't expect I am alone in this experience. But, my intent here is not to explore the importance of self love, but rather to define the core principle, the foundational...

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Survival Of The Wisest (Part I)

I seriously enjoy learning something new every day, and what I enjoy most is learning what it is I am going to be learning about each day. You with me? For example, just yesterday morning, I was getting my day started with a cup of morning joe and had an inclination to Google "spirituality videos." A link to a Deepak Chopra presentation surfaced near the top and I launched it. The presentation centered around the content in his most recent book, Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How...

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There’s No Need To Fear. Underdog Is Here!

As long as I can remember, I have always loved cheering for the underdog. When I was a child, the cartoon series "Underdog" was one of my favorites. Anytime his love interest, Sweet Polly Purebread, was in peril, unassuming, mild mannered "Shoeshine Boy" would step into a nearby phone booth and transform into super hero "Underdog," inexplicably exploding the phone booth in the process. Speaking mostly in rhymes, and strengthened by his "Underdog Energy Vitamin Pill," which he stored in the...

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The Evolution Will Not Be Televised

Each and every instant of each and every day, every single organism on the planet is actively, though not always consciously, participating in a grand and constantly unfolding cosmic evolution of the universe. This "master" evolution includes, every single person on the planet, including me and you. To me, this is the most exciting and relevant "news event" possible for us to daily investigate and report on through and with all media outlets available. Sadly, the "news" of the ongoing...

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We Need a Bigger Vision

A while back, I was driving from Austin to Beaumont for a gig and stopped in Brenham to gas up the Kia. Right next door to the convenience store where I was filling my tank is a self car wash. On the brick wall of the car wash stall closest to where I was is an electronic sign that scrolls messages and advertisements. As I pumped gas, a message appeared on the sign: God Bless America! For a moment, I felt the usual affirmative response that I, like most Americans, have experienced most of my...

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Forgiving Our Way To Peace

We humans are an interesting lot. Each of us in our own way believes we are a perfect judge. Now before you object to that characterization, search yourself and your own experience and think of a time you formed a judgment about the behavior of another, turned it into a grievance with them and then withheld your forgiveness because you were convinced you were right, and therefore, justified in doing so. How did your righteousness make you feel? Were you happy to be angry with this person? Did...

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Bondage Or Liberty? This IS The Question! – Part II

A somewhat famous quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson states: "Every man is the inlet and may become the outlet for all there is in God." I added the italic emphasis on the word “may” to emphasize that becoming an “outlet” is a choice that we make. It does not happen automatically. God is already “in” us, but whether we become an “outlet” for “all there is in God” is our choice. This brings us full circle back to the original question: bondage or liberty? In bondage, we are only an “inlet.” In...

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Bondage Or Liberty? This IS The Question! – Part I

A Course In Miracles says in many places and in many ways that, at all times, we are either choosing love or choosing fear. In Emilie Cady’s language, we are choosing between bondage and liberty. To me, both statements communicate the exact same core truth.  We will either be liberated by God’s Love, or held prisoner to our own fear. At the foundation of our existence, there is no other choice we are ever really making. From Emilie Cady’s point of view, we are in bondage to the “flesh and to...

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