The Courage To Be Neutral

In these times of political gridlock, heightened social and racial tensions and seemingly endless random violence and terrorism, having the willingness to be neutral is a genuine act of courage. It may also hold the key to the next stage of our collective evolution, especially as it relates to the creation of healthy, interdependent relationships grounded in cooperation, unity and peace. For many, the idea of neutrality goes directly against traditional thinking, which maintains an imperative...

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The Creative Possibilities of Peace

Being “created in the image and likeness” of the Original Creator, we are, each one of us, created to be creators. This is our most fundamental spiritual identity. We are born to be creators; and, all creative power is given unto us to fulfill our purpose as creators. If we are not living in alignment with the truth of our spiritual identity, our lives become dysfunctional and chaotic, making peace all but impossible. We are capable of creating anything that we can conceive of in our minds....

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Affirming The Awareness Of Peace

The harmonizing power of love and the experience of true peace are interdependent energies. Peace is not possible without the expression of unconditional love, which inspires the experience of peace. Only unconditional love is capable of the energetic neutrality required to create an experience of true peace. The primary qualities of this “energetic neutrality” are non-attachment and non-judgment. Attachments and judgments not only block the personal experience of peace, but they also serve to...

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The Peace of God

In August 1997, I purchased my first copy of A Course In Miracles (ACIM) so that I could join a brand new study group that was forming near my home. At the time, I had only recently become aware of ACIM, and knew nothing of its actual teachings. However, since the summer of 1994, when I had hit my spiritual bottom in life, I had been engaged in a journey to “know the Mind of God”. It seemed a bold and perhaps naïve goal on my part. Who was I to presume that I could know such a thing? However,...

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The Commitments of Peace – Part III

In the first article of this three-part series, The Commitments of Peace, I gave a brief introductory overview to three of the seven commitments we need to make in order to create and experience peace in our lives. The first three commitments were to Peace, Love and Forgiveness. Two weeks ago, I supplemented that article with The Commitments of Peace - Part II, which discussed the need to be committed to the principles of Truth and Creation as a path towards creating peace in our lives. This...

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The Commitments of Peace – Part II

In last week's blog article, The Commitments of Peace, I gave a brief introductory overview to three of the seven commitments we need to make in order to create and experience peace in our lives. This week, I am continuing the series by briefly exploring the 4th and 5th commitments:  Truth and Creation. The Fourth Commitment: Truth The fourth commitment we must make in order to create and experience peace in our lives is to Truth. There are many layers to this commitment and we do not have the...

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The Commitments of Peace – Part I

Peace does not just happen. We do not find peace. It is not laying around on the ground or in some secluded spot waiting for us to stumble upon it. Peace does not force itself upon us. If we experience peace at all, it is because we have created it from within by living our lives in accordance with the principles of peace. In order to live in alignment with the principles of peace, we must make a commitment to peace. You have to choose peace. Peace does not choose you. In truth, peace cannot...

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Keeping Unity Wide Open

At the Unity People's Convention 2017, held last week in San Antonio, the theme was "Keep Unity Wide Open". Based on the workshops, seminars, keynotes, musical events, and the optimistic enthusiasm of those in attendance, it is certain the Unity movement is once again poised to be a spiritual leader worldwide. The annual event, which is held every other year in the Kansas City area where the Unity movement first began in the late 19th century, was hosted in San Antonio for the first time....

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Peace Is The End Game

Peace is my favorite word. Seriously, out of every word I could possibly choose, without a doubt, my favorite is peace. As a word, peace not only sounds pleasant, but to me, it also feels like the experience it defines. Even more than just the way it sounds and feels, I love the word peace, because, I believe that peace is the end game, the very purpose of our lives. Peace Is The End Game Whether we consciously realize it or not, the experience of peace is the condition we seek every time we...

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The Miracle of Disillusionment

Have you ever been disillusioned? Of course, you have. Everyone has. Disillusionment occurs in those life moments when something we had previously believed to be true is revealed to be an illusion, a lie. We had placed our faith in the world being a certain way, only to learn it is not that way at all. Everything upon which we had built our worldview suddenly comes crashing down, potentially sending our lives spiraling out of control into a vortex of cognitive dissonance, psychic trauma and...

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