Insofar as we often find ourselves in transition and facing the paradox of change in our lives, encountering resistance is inevitable, but not insurmountable. Fortunately, we come equipped with a powerful capacity for renunciation, the power to release and eliminate anything we believe does not serve us. In short, we have the power to say, "No!" In Charles Fillmore's metaphysical classic The Twelve Powers, he delineates the power of renunciation, or elimination, as one of the twelve...

My Favorite Word is Peace
Considering every possible word I could choose, without a doubt, peace is my favorite word. For me, peace is not only an efficient, pleasant sounding word; it is the end game, the very purpose of our lives. Peace is the condition and experience we seek most in every situation, circumstance and relationship in our lives.As we go about the activity of making choices in our lives, we are not really choosing the thing itself. Rather, we are choosing it, because of what we believe it will bring to...
Be Like Water
In the midst of any interpersonal or personal struggle among or within humans, inevitably there comes a moment when we realize with crystal clarity there is only one sure fire, never fail way to resolve the conflict and restore the peace. Surrender! We immediately recognize and intuitively know the power of it's truth, because, quite frankly, it's the same answer every time and has been for time immemorial.No matter the nature or form of the conflict, and without respect for whether the urge...
The Greatest Discovery of All Time
In the "Foreword to the 40th Anniversary Edition" of Eric Butterworth's spiritual classic, Discover the Power Within You, the esteemed poet Maya Angelou acknowledges her affinity for the compelling idea at the very heart of Butterworth's teachings. Namely, that "the power of God, the essential spirit, is within each of us." This idea is also at the heart of what Butterworth would call the greatest discovery of all time, and is essentially the foundation upon which his celebrated metaphysical...
How Does Your Light Shine? – (Part II of II)
So, how does your light shine?From a scientific perspective, light is energy. Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second. Einstein's theory of relativity, which I do not even pretend to understand, simply states that "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." It is a challenge for the human mind to wrap itself around a speed of 186,000 miles per second, much less the implications. To the human mind grounded in a physical material world, that kind of speed seems...
How Does Your Light Shine? – (Part I of II)
When I was six years old, which, for the record, was almost 50 years ago, my family went on vacation to Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. We lived in Nashville at the time and I have two specific memory recalls from that summer trip. First, me and my middle brother Ron, aged 5 at the time, both had a severe case of mouth ulcers that resulted in us having to eat cold tomato soup and have our mouths coated with some kind of ultraviolet solution that stained them purple. The other memory was a...
The Greatest Lie Ever Told – (Part II of II)
What is the prevailing feeling tone of your life? In other words, how do you feel inside as you go through the routines of your life? If you had to name it in one word, what would that word be? You don't have to answer to anyone but your own self, so be honest with yourself. Are you struggling with a low sense of self esteem and general unworthiness? Do you tend to sacrifice your own dreams and aspirations to those around you? Do you procrastinate when it comes to doing the work necessary to...
The Greatest Lie Ever Told – (Part I of II)
Despite our philosophical, religious, political and cultural indoctrination to the contrary, the greatest thing a man can do for mankind is not to lay down his life for another. The greatest gift any man can give to another, or indeed to all of mankind, is to live his life to the fullest of its potential, grounding his every action in a profound sense of love for all, especially his own self, giving his deepest most divine creative gifts without reservation or shame, and modeling the...
Breaking Down To Break Through
Have you ever felt frustrated? At any time, or about anything? Of course, you have, and so have I. Truth be told, I have been frustrated more times than I can count just this past week alone! Frustrated as a friend, a father, a partner, a lover, a songwriter and various other assorted "roles" I play. I'm speaking figuratively, of course, about the "roles" I play, and I don't actually feel frustrated all the time. By and large, I consider myself a spiritually optimistic person and do my best to...
If Peace Were Dollars
For the entirety of my life as an American, I have heard the adage, "War is good for the economy!" You've probably heard it too. In fact, the idea itself has become so finely woven into the fabric of the collective American psyche that we have all but ceased examining if it is actually true. Is war good for an economy?The idea itself really began taking hold in the American consciousness during World War II. Previously in the grips of the Great Depression, Americans began to be thankful for...