So, how does your light shine?

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity states that “energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.” I will never understand what this means in scientific terms, but I do understand it means “power.”
From a scientific perspective, light is energy. Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second. Einstein’s theory of relativity, which I do not even pretend to understand, simply states that “energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.” It is a challenge for the human mind to wrap itself around a speed of 186,000 miles per second, much less the implications. To the human mind grounded in a physical material world, that kind of speed seems impossible. Forget about understanding the speed of light squared. But, yet, whether we understand it or not, we tend to believe it, because it is stated as scientific fact, figured out by minds apparently brighter than our own, and the power it implies is vast, awesome and little bit scary to most of us, maybe even a lot scary.
If you have read this far, I ask you right now to deliberately pause and meditatively consider these scientific facts for just a moment. Think about the energy implied in the speed of light squared, the speed, the power, the ability to travel anywhere, in all directions at speeds beyond human comprehension. Then, consider that this light and the energy it embodies first emanated from the Source of all creation, the same Source from which you and I were brought into manifestation. Then, consider further, that we were created and endowed with all of the power embodied in that Source, created in the “image and likeness” as it were.
Your Thought Is Your Life, You Are What You Think You Are

Unity minister and metaphysical author, Eric Butterworth’s classic book, Discover the Power Within You, makes the point that “your thought is your life.”
The “light” and the power it implies is a fact, a truth principle. Whether we believe in it or not doesn’t change the truth of it one iota. However, not believing it does influence the quality of our lives. In Eric Butterworth’s classic book, Discover The Power Within You, he points out that “your thought is your life.” The quality of your life is not dictated by the events that happen around you, but rather what you think about those events. Our lives are determined by what we think about them. So, if we spend our life believing the world is a “vale of tears” and that we cannot influence the outcome here, then we will spend our lives believing we have no power to change the world. Further, we will believe it is futile to even attempt to do so.
I don’t know about you, but that thought depresses me to no end. If this be true, then there really is no point to life at all. If there is no point, then why is there life at all? If this be my thoughts about life, then this is also my life itself. If I believe this about my life, then not only will I not see the light in me, but I certainly won’t do anything to use the power of my light to change the outcome. The fact that there is life, to me, is really all the evidence I need to find another purpose for my life. It cannot be the ultimate truth that I am given this life just to simply suffer to no meaningful end, merely to do my best to find comfort in whatever entertainment or distraction I can, until time to leave the planet. This cannot be the end for which the light was created.
You Are The Light, Whether You Believe It Or Not
This brings me to the question I am asking my Self, and the question I pose to you who may be reading this modest little article: how does YOUR light shine? Do you even believe you have a light within you? Is it burning dim, damped down over time by life’s travails? Or, is it shining brightly into ever nook and cranny in your environment? Are you using your light to give a boost to those whose lights are burning dimmer? Or, are you using your light as evidence to those who do not believe in the light as a means of encouragement to them to believe in the power of their own light?

We are the light of the world, whether we believe it or not. So, why not believe it and act accordingly.
The good news about the light is that, whether I believe in it or not, it is. I did not light the pilot light and no matter what I do, I cannot extinguish it. I can be unaware of it, I can choose to believe it is not present, but I can never make it not be. The light was here before I was, and if I were to die today or tomorrow, it would go on without me. In fact, it would not even flicker at my passing, because I would actually still be a part of it. So, the only real question I, or you or anyone else, must answer for ourselves is: what are we doing with our light? If you are not content with what you have been doing with your light, the good news is you can choose again today, right now, to begin turning up the power on your light. If you have been letting your light shine all along, then you already know you can let it shine even brighter.
So, beginning today, begin to think on the possibility of you as a light being, like those extraterrestrials in Cocoon. Then, join with me and millions of others in using our light to not only heal our own selves, but to heal the planet and every living thing in it. Always remember and never forget, the light always casts out the darkness. Therefore, the only way for the darkness to prevail is for the light to not shine upon it. Choose to let your light shine as brightly as possible, which, by the way, is much brighter and more powerful than you can even imagine possible. So, just choose to let it shine and watch what happens around you and within you.
Stay tuned in…
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