Change Is Inevitable, Transformation Is Optional

This past year has brought major changes, both in the world at large, and within our own individual lives. Changes, changes and more changes. It seems the entire world is smack dab in the midst of massive, foundational changes, the scope and breadth of which we have not witnessed in our lifetimes. Mounting resistance to many of these changes is fomenting full blown crises on multiple fronts, seemingly all at once. Many feel, perhaps quite rightly, that we are teetering on the brink of complete...

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Walking The Unity Talk In Social Media

Every single day, the world challenges our peace. Between the natural disasters, political chaos, social injustices, terrorist events, mass murders, institutional corruption, health care concerns, the threat of nuclear war, and a range of other volatile and stressful issues from big to small, who could blame anyone for losing their peace once in a while? In addition to challenging our peace, depending on how we react or respond to them, they also serve as impediments to the progress of our...

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From Pride To Neutrality

In Dr. David Hawkins' "map of consciousness," courage first registers at the level of 200 on an ascending logarithmic scale of creative power that goes to 1000. Master teachers like Jesus and Buddha calibrate at the top end of the "map," which Hawkins designates as Enlightenment. Just below the level courage at 200, is the energy of pride, which calibrates from 175-199. Dr. Hawkins maintains that the collective vibration of humankind globally is just above 200, after being calibrated for...

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Are You A Soul Writer?

Are you a soul writer? I ask that question in the full knowledge that you may not perceive yourself to be any kind of a writer, much less a "soul" writer. What is a soul writer anyway? We’ll get to the “soul” part later. For now, let’s address the second part first: are you a writer? For most people, their first response is likely to be some form or variation of, “God, no! I could never be a writer.” Over time, I have heard a wide range of denials from people who believe they are not writers....

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The Language of Oneness

On Thursday, November 2nd, I was contacted by Rev. Sondra von Gyllenband at Unity Church in New Braunfels who asked if I was available to stand in for her at that weekend's Sunday services. She had developed a respiratory infection and did not believe she would recover in time. As divine order would have it, it was the only Sunday in November that I was open and available. We laughed briefly at the divine order of things, noting how easily her need and request had been fulfilled. I asked her...

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The Divinity of You

You are a Divine Child of God. Let me repeat that once more. YOU are a Divine Child of God! Take that in for a moment. Seriously, I invite you to consciously pause for a moment, and breathe in the reality of this simple statement of truth. You are a Divine Child of God. As you breathe in this divine idea of you, what comes up for you? Does it feel comfortable to claim this truth for yourself? Or, do you note some resistance to fully accepting this truth about you? Maybe you feel both...

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Peace In The Midst

I write about peace a lot. I also think about it, talk about it, meditate on it, and even write songs about it. Right now, I am in the midst of writing a book about peace. For me, peace is the end game, the reason behind every choice I make. You could say that experiencing the energy of peace as often as possible is my main mission in life. This is not to say that I experience perfect peace, or that I experience peace all of the time. As Dr. David Hawkins reminded us though his work, perfect...

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Love Is The Answer To Every Question

I recently attended a talk given by Revs. Brian & Kristen Grandon titled “The Journey of Spiritual Awakening: Reframing Salvation”. This talk was the 5th installment in their 8-week series “Our Authentic Spiritual Journey,” which they are presenting at Unity Church of the Hills in Austin. It got me thinking about how my own thoughts and ideas around salvation have changed over the course of my life, and how I learned in the process that love is the answer to every question I have....

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If There Was Ever A Moment…

If there was ever a moment for unity and peace to prevail, that moment is now. As I write this, the states of Texas and Louisiana are experiencing a natural disaster of epic proportions. Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Friday evening, August 25th, as a Cat 4 hurricane in Rockport, Texas, which was decimated, along with nearby coastal towns like Port Aransas. Today, five days later, Harvey's historic tale of devastation continues. It will be another several days before tropical storm Harvey...

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Neutrality Is Indispensable To Peace

It is not possible to cultivate a consciousness of peace without actively maintaining neutrality in the activity of my thoughts and feelings. This does not just apply to some of my thoughts and feelings. It applies universally to all of my thoughts and feelings. If peace is my goal, neutrality is absolutely essential. Peace will not be without neutrality. Since my peace is my personal responsibility, I must maintain neutrality around all of my thoughts and feelings, about anything and...

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