
How Does Your Light Shine? – (Part II of II)

So, how does your light shine?From a scientific perspective, light is energy. Light travels at approximately 186,000 miles per second. Einstein's theory of relativity, which I do not even pretend to understand, simply states that "energy equals mass times the speed of light squared." It is a challenge for the human mind to wrap itself around a speed of 186,000 miles per second, much less the implications. To the human mind grounded in a physical material world, that kind of speed seems...

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How Does Your Light Shine? – (Part I of II)

When I was six years old, which, for the record, was almost 50 years ago, my family went on vacation to Lookout Mountain in Tennessee. We lived in Nashville at the time and I have two specific memory recalls from that summer trip. First, me and my middle brother Ron, aged 5 at the time, both had a severe case of mouth ulcers that resulted in us having to eat cold tomato soup and have our mouths coated with some kind of ultraviolet solution that stained them purple. The other memory was a...

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The Greatest Lie Ever Told – (Part II of II)

What is the prevailing feeling tone of your life? In other words, how do you feel inside as you go through the routines of your life? If you had to name it in one word, what would that word be? You don't have to answer to anyone but your own self, so be honest with yourself. Are you struggling with a low sense of self esteem and general unworthiness? Do you tend to sacrifice your own dreams and aspirations to those around you? Do you procrastinate when it comes to doing the work necessary to...

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The Greatest Lie Ever Told – (Part I of II)

Despite our philosophical, religious, political and cultural indoctrination to the contrary, the greatest thing a man can do for mankind is not to lay down his life for another. The greatest gift any man can give to another, or indeed to all of mankind, is to live his life to the fullest of its potential, grounding his every action in a profound sense of love for all, especially his own self, giving his deepest most divine creative gifts without reservation or shame, and modeling the...

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Breaking Down To Break Through

Have you ever felt frustrated? At any time, or about anything? Of course, you have, and so have I. Truth be told, I have been frustrated more times than I can count just this past week alone! Frustrated as a friend, a father, a partner, a lover, a songwriter and various other assorted "roles" I play. I'm speaking figuratively, of course, about the "roles" I play, and I don't actually feel frustrated all the time. By and large, I consider myself a spiritually optimistic person and do my best to...

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If Peace Were Dollars

For the entirety of my life as an American, I have heard the adage, "War is good for the economy!" You've probably heard it too. In fact, the idea itself has become so finely woven into the fabric of the collective American psyche that we have all but ceased examining if it is actually true. Is war good for an economy?The idea itself really began taking hold in the American consciousness during World War II. Previously in the grips of the Great Depression, Americans began to be thankful for...

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Tangled Up In Dylan (Or, My Favorite Song Of All Time)

About a year ago, an old friend from high school tagged me on Facebook and asked me what was my favorite song of all time? For a certified lunatic for music such as myself, one might think this kind of question would be impossible to answer. Apparently, my friend had second thoughts about such a possibility as well, because before I could undertake to frame an answer, I received a second message from her apologizing for posing such an impossible question and further explaining the real reason...

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The Myth Of Creative Block

I love the morning. Whether I go to sleep early or late the night before, I'm up early. I can't wait to be awake and spending time in the silence in the morning, before the work day, or the events of the day begin to carry me along. It doesn't matter to me what I am going through at the time or not, whether my life is strenuously stressful or buoyantly jubilant, I love being awake in the quiet, still early morning hours where the flow of divine ideas is most easily accessed. The only...

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The Miracle Of Speed

Funny thing about miracles, we tend to think of them as extraordinary events that we cannot explain in rational, scientific terms, so we attribute them to some sort of divine intervention. We consider them to be extraordinary in the sense they are outside the normal course of events. If divine intervention is the agent causing the miracle event, and if this "event" is not the norm, then by extension, it could be said divine intervention itself is also out of the norm and "extra" ordinary. For...

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One Is The Holiest Number (Part II)

Wow! I guess we've got it wound pretty tight down here on Earth. It's lonely and bad being one, and only a step above that being two. When does the joy of being one, or even one with another one, begin to kick in? How many ones does it take before it becomes good,meaning not lonely? Don't get me wrong here. I am not bashing Harry Nilsson. To the contrary, as a songwriter, he is one of the all-time greats. I like the guy, truly! A handful of his songs are, to my mind, among the greatest songs...

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